Low Serotonin Could Be Causing Your Fibromyalgia! (2024)

I think we all know someone struggling with Fibromyalgia. It’s one of the most common illnesses today and if you’ve heard much about it – you know it can be devastating.


But first – let’s talk a little bit about Fibromyalgia and it’s connection to our ancestors. It seems like there are so many people with fibromyalgia these days. And high cholesterol and Alzheimer’s.

We just never heard of these things when most of us were young. It’s like new diseases are falling out of the sky all the time. But did you know that fibromyalgia is the same thing now – as rheumatism was when our grannies were our age?

Yup! Fibromyalgia and rheumatism are the same thing. Rheumatism just got a new fangled name.

Medical doctors say they don’t know what causes fibromyalgia and there is no cure for it. And they say that – way too often – about way too many diseases! But naturopathic medicine teaches that all diseases have a cause that you can find when you dig deep enough. AND a cure – once you determine the cause!

Naturopathic medicine says that fibromyalgia is caused by a low level of serotonin in the brain. Now, low serotonin causes all kinds of problems. Mood swings, severe depression, insomnia, memory problems and can mess up your heart & digestive system and much more. Many peopleare on antidepressants today – that just need to naturally raise their own serotonin levels. But a person would have to find a naturopathic doctor or really read and study to be able to do that. Some of the natural ways you can raise your own serotonin level is through diet and exercise and getting out in the sun.

Low Serotonin Could Be Causing Your Fibromyalgia! (1)

Serotonin Levels

Some proteins cause more serotonin production – and without getting into too much detail and confusing all of us – (although I studied it thoroughly and understand it) let me just say that eating more chicken, white flakyfish, cottage cheese, low fat cheeses and other low fat milks and dairy products and legumes can help raise your serotonin level.

Well Lordy and when I researched and found that – I thought MY OWN serotonin level should be through the roof and I should be swinging in trees – because if I don’t have a glass of milk in my hand – I have a spoon full of cottage cheese.

Walking, yoga (which I am getting more and more interested in all the time) swimming, bike riding – all of these things, if done at least 4 days in a row, a week – will over a couple of months, increase your baseline serotonin levels.

A local friend says she swims many days, twice a day at a church near her home in lower town Paducah and she feels it has worked wonders for her Fibromyalgia.

Getting out in the sun at least 30 minutes in the morning helps tremendously. Each night – while we’re sleeping – our bodies are producing melatonin – and melatonin destroys our serotonin. Sunlight suppresses the production of melatonin and allows your serotonin levels to rise during the day. SEE how complicated this can get? This could confuse a MONKEY – if Monkey’s could READ! GOODNESS!!! It would take someone with a rocket scientist brain – spending the winter in a secluded cabin in the mountains – to devour all of this stuff. But I LOVE studying and applying it when I can.

Getting enough sleep is crucial and I’m in trouble there. Because the production of serotonin for tomorrow – requires us to get at least 7 continuous hours of sound sleep tonight. Well no WONDER I’m a mess – because if the dairy doesn’t pump up my serotonin REALLY good – that insomnia is going to drain me dry – day after day after day. You TOO if you’re days are as hectic as mine.
I don’t even remember what age I was the last time I slept 7 hours. PROBABLY about TWELVE.

ALL meditative activities raise serotonin levels. Like spending time out in nature – walking in the woods, a park – along the ocean. Relaxed concentration – meditation – positive visualization – they all raise our serotonin levels.

My Health Library – Favorite Books and Videos

The very best way to heal your own body of Fibromyalgia or anything else is to do your own research and RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. KNOW your illness like the back of your hand. And yes you DO have time. Think of the time that research and healing will be giving you BACK.

A Great Fibromyalgia Book

Foods that Fight Fibromyalgia: Nutrient-Packed Meals That Increase Energy, Ease Pain, and Move You Towards Recovery

I really recommend this book. Read the reviews – look at the preview – then order that book and take the advice.

YOU CAN HEAL your own body of Fibromyalgia.

Everybody is looking for a simple pill we can pop. But those pills just cause other problems and things we have to worry about. FOOD HEALS!!!

Do a little research on your own – or order that book and study it like your life depends on it.

Low Serotonin Could Be Causing Your Fibromyalgia! (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.