JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (2024)


Welcome to the bizarre world of JJBA Data Pack!

This data pack is dedicated to the manga/anime universe of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure by Hirohiko Araki. It adds a lot of new features that make your game more interesting and exciting, such as Stand Arrows, Stand Discs, and, most importantly, various stands. Hope you like it because there is a lot of stuff coming!JJBA Data Pack v1.8.6, created by JasonMix and VonLeipenstein:



  1. Install OptiFine for your Minecraft version (1.16+);
  2. Download and install the data pack;
  3. Download and install the resource pack;
  4. Enter into your world and run "/reload" command;
  5. Enjoy!


In order to get yourself a stand, you can use a Stand Arrow (see the recipe below). Put the arrow in your offhand slot, hit or
shoot yourself with it to start the stand awakening process. You need to survive 12 seconds of withering. If you die, you
can try again. If you manage to survive, you will get a random stand.

Another way to get a stand is to use a Stand Disc containing a stand (see the recipes below). Put the disc in your offhand slot to start the stand awakening process. You need to survive 6 seconds of withering. If you die, you can try again. If you manage to survive, you will get the stand that the disc contained.

If you want to get a stand without any challenges, you can use a command and choose a specific stand (see the command below). Each stand can have only one user.


When you get a stand, a Stand Head will appear in the first inventory slot if it's empty.

To summon/dismiss your stand, look straight up/down while holding your Stand Head.

There are active and passive stand abilities. Active abilities are usually activated by holding your Stand Head and pressing certain keys ('F', 'Q', 'Shift + F', 'Shift + Q', etc.).

You can find out about key combinations and statuses of the abilities by looking at the bossbars at the top of the screen or the subtitles below. If you want to know more about each stand ability, check the list of stands and abilities.


Initially, your stand is very weak, so it needs to be upgraded. You can do this using a Stand Upgrader (see the recipe below). Place the upgrader down and open it with your Stand Head while having your stand dismissed.

There are four stand stats: Power, Range, Duration, and Cooldown. They can be upgraded from tier 'E' to tier 'A' using experience points. Click on the green button under the stat you want to upgrade to confirm.







4 levels

8 levels

16 levels

24 levels

Also you can unlock new abilities of your stand. Put a Red Stone of Aja into the empty upgrader slot to unlock/lock the Second Ability, a Beetle Stand Arrow to unlock/lock the Third Ability.


Want to obtain a new stand or just to get rid of the current stand? Void Potion will help you with such task. But be careful: if you use it, you will die and lose all your stand upgrading progress. The potion does not work if your stand is active, so dismiss it first before use.

If this method does not seem promising to you, you can try collecting Corpse Parts and assembling the Holy Corpse. To do so, find all the parts in different structures and throw them on ground in one spot. The Holy Corpse has more advantages than Void Potion, like not having negative consequences and returning half of the spent experience levels, but it needs to be fully assembled first.

Corpse Part


Holy Skull

Woodland Mansion

Holy Eyes

Buried Treasure

Holy Ears


Holy Spine

Pilager Outpost

Holy Heart


Holy Ribs


Holy Right Arm

Desert Pyramid

Holy Left Arm

Underwater Ruins

Holy Legs

Jungle Temple

Every time you obtain a new stand, you increase your chance of having some stand stats already upgraded ("stand stat bonus").


Not only players, but also some pets can get a stand (Wolves, Parrots, Cats and Turtles). To give them some bizarre abilities, throw them a Stand Arrow, hit or shoot them with it. Same as with players, each pet stand can have only one user.

CAUTION: Cats die during the stand awakening process.


『The Fool』(Wolf stand)
AB 1:
Attacks nearest mobs/players.

AB 2:
Protects the user or their owner with a sand dome when health of the user/owner is below half.

『Horus』(Parrot stand)
AB 1:
Attacks mobs/players around the user.
AB 2:
Slows down mobs/players around the user.

『Stray Cat』(Cat stand)
AB 1:
Shoots bubbles of compressed air that damage mobs/players.

NOTE:『Stray Cat』can exist both as an entity and, after being destroyed, as an item which can be used by a player.
Being used by the user of active『Killer Queen』makes the bubbles explosive.

『Mr. President』(Turtle stand)
AB 1:
Mobs/players by holding "Shift" near the user can access a hidden room;
To leave the room, they have to approach the beam in the center of the structure.


While some entities can get a stand, some are born with it. Such example can be Villagers, who have a small chance to have a stand, but not a helpful one -『Cheap Trick. If a mob/player stares at their back long enough, the stand will kill their user and transfer itself onto a new target.

The stand cannot be damaged in any way, but has two ways of getting rid of: sacrifice yourself by giving it to someone else or wait for an in-game day until it leaves by its own.

Another similar stand user, Silverfish with『Ratt』, uses its stand to shoot enemies with poisonous projectiles. Not only that, but can also dodge melee attacks, making it almost undefeatable without ranged weapons. Another feature which distincts the stand from others is that it can be used by multiple users at once.


Players, who crave for more power, can tranform into a vampire using Stone Mask. They die and reborn as a new entity, which has its strengths and weaknesses.

Vampires possess constant positive effects, such as speed, jump boost, night vision, regeneration and strength, but they also fear strong light and are tormented by severe hunger. And, most importantly, vampirism allows you to learn Vampire technique, which unlocks its true potential.

If a vampire player wants to accept humanity again, they can use Void Potion or Holy Corpse to fulfill their wish.


Every technique has an unique way of learning it. For example, to become a Spin user, you need to find a Spin Manual and meet the requirement (to have a Steel Ball). Click on the name of the technique to become a technique user. After becoming one, the manual allows you to see your technique stats, unlock new skills and upgrade them.

To choose your current skill, press 'Shift + Q' while holding the Technique Item which should appear in your invertory. To use the skill, right click while holding the Technique Item (or, if you are a Spin user, throw a Steel Ball). It also can help you to track the cooldown time of your current skill after using it, or you can wait until you hear a sound notification.

At the beginning, you have only one skill unlocked. If you want to unlock more, defeat mini bosses or bosses, which now drop Technique Tokens. Open your technique manual and press "Unlock" buttons to unlock skills (some of them require multiple tokens).

The more you use your technique skills, the more advanced your skills will become. There are 10 technique levels in total, which progress every time you successfully use a skill. Leveling up grants you a Skill Point, which can be used to upgrade your skills by opening your technique manual and pressing "Upgrade" buttons. Usually it decreases cooldown/increases duration of the skill. Each of them has different maximum level, which can vary from 'I' to 'V'.

If you wish to abandon techniques or try another one, click on "Abandon" text in the manual and confirm your decision.




Healing I-III:
Heals user and nearest players/passive mobs.

Hamon Trap I-IV:
Places a trap into a block that automatically activates on contact;
Undead are vulnurable to this skill.

Surface Tension I-II:
Allows user to walk on water and lava.

Bubble Lenses I-II:
Creates powerful light rays which damage mobs/players.

Overdrive I-IV:
Deals damage to nearest mob/player which can spread on undead;
Undead are vulnurable to this skill.


Blood Sucking I-IV:
Damages nearest mob/player and gives positive effects.

Vampire Leap I-II:
Allows user to make a high jump with a safe landing.

Vapor Freezing I-III:
Freezes nearest mob/player into ice;
The ice cracks, dealing additional damage to the frozen entity.

Vampire Creation I-III:
Transforms a certain number of mobs/players into peaceful vampires.

Stingy Eyes I-III:
Deals high amount of damage to mobs/players.


Spin Throw I-V:
Damages nearest mob/player on impact.

Scan I-II:
Creates vibrations that scan nearest territory for mobs/players.

Spin Protection I-III:
Protects user from damage for a short amount of time.

Infinite Rotation I-III:
Moderately damages nearest mobs/players on impact;
Targets are imbued by infinite rotation and temporarily spin.

Nonexistent Spin I-II:
Highly damages entities and blocks on impact.

NOTE: User ofHermit Purple』(who is also a Hamon user) deals damage to undead with "Capture" ability.
Users of『The World』and『Cream』(who are also Vampire users) obtain increased duration for some abilities.
Users of『Tusk』and『Soft & Wet』(who are also Spin users) obtain decreased cooldown for some abilities.


Stand Arrow

  • Crafted with a gold ingot, a stick and a feather.
  • Can be used to start the stand awakening process for mobs/players.
  • Is dropped by Notorious B.I.G.

Stand Disc

  • Crafted with an ender pearl and 4 netherite scraps.
  • Can be upgraded using a smithing table.

Beetle Stand Arrow

  • Crafted with a netherite ingot, a blaze rod and nether quartz.
  • Can be used to unlock the Third Ability of a stand.
  • Has a chance to be dropped by Notorious B.I.G.

Phantom Blood

  • Has a chance to be dropped by phantoms when killed.
  • Can be used to craft a Red Stone of Aja.

Red Stone of Aja

  • Crafted with a stone, 4 redstone dust and 4 Phantom Blood.
  • Can be used to unlock the Second Ability of a stand.
  • Has a chance to be dropped by Pillar Men.

Scarab Scarf

  • Is sold by Hamon Trainer.
  • Is a requirement for using the Hamon technique.

Stone Mask

  • Can be crafted with Phantom Blood and 6 cobblestone or found in Woodland Mansion.
  • Wearing it turns players into vampires.
  • If the player is already a vampire, acts as a decorative helmet.

Steel Ball

  • Crafted with an iron block and 4 lime dye.
  • Is a requirement for using the Spin technique.
  • Can be used as a weapon to deal damage.

Wrecking Ball

  • Crafted with an iron block, 4 orange dye and 4 iron ingots.
  • Is a requirement for using the Spin technique.
  • Can be used as a weapon to deal damage and blind for a short time.

Hamon Manual

  • Is sold by Hamon Trainer
  • The main purpose is to make players Hamon users.
  • Allows technique users see stats, unlock new skills and upgrade them.

Vampire Manual

  • Can randomly be dropped by zombies or Vampires.
  • The main purpose is to make players Vampire users.
  • Allows technique users see stats, unlock new skills and upgrade them.

Spin Manual

  • Can be found in Villages in weaponsmith's chest.
  • The main purpose is to make players Spin users.
  • Allows technique users see stats, unlock new skills and upgrade them.

Hamon Token

  • Is dropped by mini bosses and bosses if they are killed by a Hamon user.
  • Can be used to unlock new technique skills.

Vampire Token

  • Is dropped by mini bosses and bosses if they are killed by a Vampire user.
  • Can be used to unlock new technique skills.

Spin Token

  • Is dropped by mini bosses and bosses if they are killed by a Spin user.
  • Can be used to unlock new technique skills.

Vampire Dagger

  • Has a small chance to be dropped by Masked Vampires.
  • Randomly restores health when attacking.
  • Cannot be enchanted or repaired.

Mysterious Bone

  • Has a small chance to be dropped by Pillar Men.
  • Can be used to summon Green Baby.
  • To do so, throw a regeneration potion and sacrifice 14 mobs/players.
  • Sacrificed mobs/players mutate into trees.

Rokakaka Seed

  • Has a chance to be dropped from jungle leaves.
  • Can be planted into a flower pot.
  • When grown and harvested, produces random Rokakaka Fruit type.

Rokakaka Fruit

  • Has three types: A, B and C.
  • When consumed, give different effects:
  • Type A restores health/hunger, depending on which points player has more/less.
  • Type B gives player a random positive and negative effect.
  • Type C either upgrades or downgrades one of player's stand stats.

Void Potion

  • Crafted with a glass bottle, a nether star and blaze powder.
  • Can be used to get rid of the current stand.

Holy Corpse

  • Can be assebled with 9 Corpse Parts.
  • The parts are found in chests of different structures.
  • They can save player from death, but only once.
  • The corpse is used to get rid of the current stand.

Super Aja

  • Available only from the command.
  • Gives strong positive effects to the player holding it.

Stand Upgrader

  • Crafted with an ender eye, a redstone torch, 3 logs/stems (any type can be used) and 4 gold ingots.
  • Is used to upgrade stand stats and unlock stand abilities.



    • Spawns at night.
    • Is a more dangerous version of zombies.
    • Has different skin variants.
    • Is vulnurable to strong light sources.

    Masked Vampire

    • Is a rarer and stronger version of Vampires.
    • Has a small chance to drop a Vampire Dagger.

    Pillar Man

    • Spawns at night in deserts.
    • Has strong regeneration, speed and attack.
    • Attacks with his ribs at medium range.
    • Projectiles deal no damage to him.
    • Is vulnurable to strong light sources.
    • Has a chance to drop a Red Stone of Aja and Mysterious Bone.

    Hamon Master

    • Can be found instead of a wandering trader.
    • Sells Hamon Manual and Scarab Scarf.



    • Can rarely appear in villages at night.
    • Drops an enchanting book.
    • Escapes during daytime.
    • Has two forms:
    • Spirit form:
    • Cannot be attacked while there are zombie puppets.
    • Uses zombies to apply negative effects.
    • Physical form:
    • Attacks with fog and applies negative effects to nearest targets.
    • Summons new zombies to enter spirit form.

    Notorious B.I.G.

    • Can rarely spawn in world.
    • Drops a Stand Arrow and rarely Beetle Stand Arrow.
    • The less health it has, the faster and stronger becomes.
    • Can be approached safely while crouching.

    Green Baby

    • Can be summoned with a Mysterious Bone.
    • Is immune to any sorts of damage.
    • Rewards with a lot of experience.
    • To get the reward, approach it and beat a challenge.
    • The challenge can be beaten by staying away from gravity particles.
    • If the time comes out before that, a player becomes smaller.
    • Becoming too small leads to death which can be reverted by getting out of range.



    『The World』
    AB 1 (F) - "Time Stop":
    Stops time, allowing the user and anyone with the immunity, to act within the duration of stopped time.

    AB 2 - Passive:
    Deflects arrows while the stand is active.

    AB 3 (Q) - "Attack":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players and breaks blocks (can be controlled manually by holding 'Shift').

    『White Album』
    AB 1 (F) - "Cryokinesis":
    Creates ice spikes in air and water, freezing nearest mobs/players.
    AB 2 -
    Gives the speed effect while the stand is active (the effect gets stronger when the user is on ice).
    AB 3 (Q) - "Gently Weeps":
    Freezes the air around the user, which reflect projectiles back to the attacking mob/player.

    Star Platinum』
    AB 1 (F) - "Attack":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players and breaks blocks (can be controlled manually by holding 'Shift').

    AB 2 - Passive:
    Deflects arrows while the stand is active.

    Star Platinum: The World』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Time Stop":
    Stops time, allowing the user and anyone with the immunity, to act within the duration of stopped time.

    Silver Chariot』
    AB 1 (F) - "Attack":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players (can be controlled manually by holding 'Shift').
    AB 2 - Passive:
    The stand's sword gets the same enchantment as the user have on their sword.

    Chariot Requiem
    AB 3 (Q) - "Soul Manipulation":
    Forcefully puts mobs/players around into sleep, completely changing their behavior (affected mobs/players can be "transformed" afterwards);
    Affected players cannot use their stands while the ability is active; nearest items cannot be picked up while the ability is active; the ability can be avoided by having the weakness effect.

    Magician's Red』
    AB 1 (F) - "Crossfire":
    Shoots a volley of fire that puts nearest mobs/players on fire.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Gives the fire resistance effect while the stand is active.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Crossfire Hurricane":
    Summons a fire hurricane that chases and burns nearest mobs/players.

    Hermit Purple』
    AB 1 (Shift + F) - "Divination":
    Allows the user to see through stone and netherrack blocks.
    AB 2 (F) - "Locate":
    Displays the coordinates for the closest selected structure.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Capture":
    Allows the user to capture nearest mob/player and transport them using the sight.

    Purple Haze』
    AB 1 (F) - "Killer Infection":
    Creates a cloud of deadly virus that withers mobs/players around.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Makes the user immune to poisoning and withering while the stand is active.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Pressure":
    Infects nearest mob/player with a virus that creates a toxic cloud upon death;
    The cloud destroys items and withers mobs/players in it.

    『Hierophant Green』
    AB 1 (F) - "Emerald Splash":
    Radially blasts emerald projectiles that damage mobs/players.
    AB 2 (F) - "Direct Emerald Splash":
    Directionally shoots emerald projectiles that damage mobs/players.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Emerald Barrier":
    Creates a zone where mobs/players get detected and automatically attacked by projectiles.

    Echoes ACT 1』
    AB 1 (F) - "Detect":
    Highlights nearest mobs/players for a short amount of time.

    Echoes ACT 2』
    AB 1 (Shift + F) - "Sound Effect":
    Creates different sound effects on blocks (press 'Shift + Q' to change sound effect type);
    The sound effects are not activated by the user while holding 'Shift'.

    Echoes ACT 3』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Freeze":
    Freezes mobs/players around the user, damaging them.

    Crazy Diamond』
    AB 1 (F) - "Attack":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players and breaks blocks (can be controlled manually by holding 'Shift');
    Broken blocks are restored after the ability ends.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Players keep their inventory after death while the stand is active.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Restoration":
    Heals nearest players/passive mobs or repairs items on ground or disassembles weapons/tools/armor on ground (press 'Shift + Q' to change mode).

    Dark Blue Moon』
    AB 1 - Passive:
    Gives positive effects to the user that is underwater while the stand is active.
    AB 2 (F) - "Barnacles":
    Drowns nearest mobs/players;
    The ability can be activated only when the user is underwater.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Whirlpool":
    Summons a whirlpool that pulls mobs/players to it, damaging them;
    The ability can be activated only when the user is at least 5 blocks deep in water.

    AB 1 (F) - "Disc Extraction":
    Extracts a Stand Disc out of nearest mob/player, temporarily disorienting them and disabling their stand;
    The Stand Disc can be prevented from disappearing by putting it into a storage/giving it to other players.

    AB 2 (Shift + F) - "Gravity Shift" + Passive:
    Launches mobs/players around the user into the air + Gives the user the ability to climb walls (direction can be inverted by holding 'Shift').

    Made in Heaven』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Time Acceleration":
    Speeds up the flow of time by controlling the gravitational forces of the entire universe; the user can catch up with with the acceleration and get significantly faster (they can "reset the universe" afterwards to randomly teleport entities across the world); the ability cannot be stopped once its activated.

    The Hand』
    AB 1 (Shift + F) - "Pull Items":
    Teleports nearest items to the user (including those held by mobs/players).
    AB 2 (F) - "Space Erasure":
    Teleports the user on short distance or teleports mobs/players to the user (press 'Shift + Q' to change mode).
    AB 3 ( Q) - "Elimination":
    Teleports nearest mobs/players to or from the Nether while erasing blocks.

    Gold Experience』
    AB 1 (F) - "Healing":
    Heals nearest players/passive mobs (including the user).
    AB 2 (hift + F) - "Life Giver":
    Transforms items on ground into different life forms (press 'Shift + Q' to change life form type).

    『Gold Experience Requiem
    AB 3 (Q) - "Return To Zero":
    Reverts latest actions, denying any causalities, if the user takes damage (the user is invulnerable while the ability lasts); The user regenerates and gets stronger afterwards; mobs/other players get only negative effects; projectiles and items get nullified.

    Brain Storm』
    AB 1 (F) - "Hemolysis":
    Withers nearest entities using invisible bacteria.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Infected mobs/players can transmit bacteria to other mobs/players.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Homing Bacteria":
    Summons few bacterial colonies that chase and wither mobs/players.

    20th Century Boy』
    AB 1 (F) - "Absolute Defence":
    Immobilizes the user, making them invulnerable.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    The user can act efficiently when they are invulnerable while holding 'Shift'.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Redirection":
    Redirects the energy, transferred to the user, to the attacking mobs/players.

    『Killer Queen』
    AB 1 (F) - "Bomb":
    Places a bomb into a block or mob/player that can be detonated later (press 'Shift + Q' to change mode).
    AB 2 (Q) - "Sheer Heart Attack":
    Summons Sheer Heart Attack that chases and explodes mobs/players around it.

    『Killer Queen: Bites The Dust』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Bites The Dust":
    Inserts a bomb into a passive mob/non-stand user player, making them the bomb user (the bomb can be detonated later if there are hostile mobs/other players nearby);
    The bomb user is invulnerable; on detonation hostile mobs/other players explode; the user, named bomb user, hostile mobs/other players are returned to their spawn point.

    AB 1 (F) - "Transportation":
    Transports the user to or from the Nether.
    AB 1 (F) - "Transportation":
    The user can transport mobs/other players with them.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Void Form":
    The stand enters the void state, which makes the user invisible and invulnerable, allowing them to erase nearest mobs/players and blocks.

    AB 1 - Passive:
    Freezes projectiles around the user while the stand is active.
    AB 2 (F) - "Kinetic Energy":
    Launches nearest projectile in the direction the user is looking at.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Position Lock":
    Locks nearest mobs/players in their positions.

    Weather Report』
    AB 1 (Shift + F) - "Weather" + Passive:
    Changes the weather + Gives the slow falling effect and the ability to leap while the stand is active.
    AB 2 (F) - "Lightning Strike":
    Strikes with a lightning a position the user is looking at.

    Weather Report: Heavy Weather』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Heavy Weather":
    Summons rainbows in random places in the world, touching which mobs/players immediately morph into slimes;
    The slimes can infect other mobs/players; when the ability ends, all the slimes die; the ability cannot be stopped once its activated.

    Sticky Fingers』
    AB 1 (F)
    - "Zipper Punch":
    Launches an arm that damages mobs/players, trajectory of which can be controlled.
    AB 1 (Shift + F) - "Open Portal":
    Creates two portals near walls which can teleport entities between them.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Dismemberment":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players and deals damage to them after the ability ends;
    The longer a mob/entity is attacked, the more damage they will suffer.

    AB 1 (F)
    - "Poisonous Sting":
    Stings nearest mob/player and injects poison in them.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Gives speed boost when the user is running while the stand is active.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Harvesting":
    Collects items in area and finds new loot;
    The longer the stand is looking for items, the more loot will find.

    Paisley Park』
    AB 1 (F) - "Map/Marker":
    Creates a new map or marker of selected color.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Occasionally gives the user two items to choose from.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Technology":
    Allows the user to temporarily use some of functional blocks (press 'Shift + Q' to change functional block type).

    『Jumpin' Jack Flash』
    AB 1 (F) - "Centrifugal Forse":
    Shoots projectiles which damage mobs/players.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Allows to use iron/gold nuggets to shoot them as bullets with shorter cooldown.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Gravity Removal":
    Creates a zero gravity environment that slowly kills mobs/players.

    Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』
    AB 1 (F) - "Dimension Hop":
    Allows the user to visit a parallel dimension and interact with it;
    Merging with their clone mob, the user recovers health; the ability can be activated only when the user is closed (by doors, liquids, blocks, entities, etc.).
    AB 2 - Passive:
    The user can pull nearest clones to the root dimension while being in a parallel dimension by holding 'Shift';
    When a clone mob gets close to a root mob of the same type/player, both of them crumble.

    D4C: Love Train』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Love Train":
    Creates a pocket dimension that redirects all misfortune away from the user, leaving only good fortune;
    The user is essentially invulnerable and can phase through walls while the ability lasts.

    『Tusk ACT 1』
    AB 1 (F) - "Spinning Shot":
    Shoots spinning nails that damage mobs/players.

    『Tusk ACT 2』
    AB 2 (F) - "Golden Rectangle Shot":
    Shoots spinning nails that damage mobs/players;
    After the nails land, creates holes that temporarily chase mobs/players and damage them.

    『Tusk ACT 3』
    AB 3 (Shift + F) - "Spatial Wormhole":
    Creates a spatial wormhole that allows the user to safely change position in space and then shoot spinning nails that damage mobs/players.

    NOTE: To unlock the Fourth Ability of『Tusk』, upgrade stand stats to the maximum.

    『Tusk ACT 4』
    AB 4 (Q) - "Attack":
    Attacks nearest mobs/players and breaks blocks (can be controlled manually by holding 'Shift');
    Attacked mobs/players are imbued by infinite rotation and temporarily spin.

    『Soft & Wet』
    AB 1 (F) - "Plunder Bubble":
    Sends bubbles that steal aspects or properties (press 'Shift + Q' to change steal type).
    AB 2 (Shift + F) - "Bubble Shield":
    Envelops the user in a giant bubble that can lift them and protects from damage and projectiles.

    『Soft & Wet: Go Beyond』
    AB 3 (Q) - "Go Beyond":
    Shoots a powerful bubble that crosses through any barrier.

    Heaven's Door』
    AB 1 (F) - "Book Transmutation":
    Turns small mobs into books and slows down mobs/players, not allowing to use their stands.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Mobs, transmutated into books, create additional experience orbs;
    This works only once for each entity.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Written Command":
    Completely immobilize a mob/player, allowing the user to apply an effect on them with their memory book;
    The target cannot use their stand within the duration.

    Scary Monsters』
    AB 1 - Passive:
    Morphs the user into a dinosaur.
    AB 1 (F) - "Sweeping Attack":
    Performs a large sweeping attack in front of the user.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Dinosaur Infection":
    Transforms a certain number of mobs/players into dinosaurs (Small Dinosaurs and Dinosaurs).

    AB 1 (F) - "Radar":
    Detects nearest mobs/players.
    AB 2 (Q) - "Weaponry":
    Uses machine gun/bombs (press 'Shift + Q' to change weapon type).
    AB 3 (Q) - "Scouting":
    Allows the user to freely control the stand and automatically attack mobs/players (press 'Shift + Q' to change weapon type).

    Black Sabbath』
    AB 1 - Passive:
    Gives positive effects to the user that is in darkness while the stand is active.
    AB 2 (F) - "Shadow Step":
    Teleports the user between two dark places.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Relentless Patrol":
    The stand switches to automatic mode, patroling nearest area; If the stand finds a mob/player, it will stab them with a Stand Arrow; if the stand does not find a target, it will reposition to other place; the stand burns outside darkness and moves slower;
    To recall the stand back, press 'Shift'.

    AB 1 (F) - "Blending":
    Blends the user into environment, making them completely invisible.
    AB 2 (Q) - "Iron Manipulation":
    Automatically manipulates iron to damage mobs/players around the user.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Total Iron Control":
    Damages nearest mobs/players,
    discarding iron leftovers.

    Wonder of U』
    AB 1 (F) - "Disguise":
    Disguises the user, preventing mobs from seeing them.
    AB 2 - Passive:
    Allows the user to phase through walls.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Calamity":
    Brings impending doom to mobs/players trying to stare at the user (they are invincible while the ability lasts).

    『Stone Free
    AB 1 (F) - "String Swing"
    Swings the user with a string from one place to another.
    AB 2
    - Passive:
    Gives speed and jump boost effects to the user that is in cobweb or on wool/carpet while the stand is active.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Net Trap":
    Transforms user's body into cobweb net that traps entities inside it.

    『King Crimson』
    AB 1 (F) - Passive:
    Allows the user to predict nearest danger.
    AB 2 (Shift + F)
    - "Chop":
    Makes a powerful attack on nearest mob/player.
    AB 3 (Q) - "Time Erase":
    Erases a given frame of time, allowing the user to readjust their actions.


    NOTE: The result of crafting/smithing usually looks like a book ("Knowledge Book"). Click on it to get the item into your inventory.


    Stand ArrowJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (1)

    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (2)

    Red Stone of Aja

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (3)

    Beetle Stand Arrow

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (4)

    Void Potion

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (5)

    Stand Upgrader

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (6)

    Stone Mask

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (7)

    Steel Ball

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (8)

    Wrecking Ball

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (9)

    NOTE: Since version 1.20, all smithing recipes have been moved to the crafting table format due to technical reasons.


    『The World』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (10)

    『White Album』
    Stand DiscJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (11)

    Star Platinum』
    Stand DiscJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (12)

    Silver Chariot』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (13)

    Magician's Red』
    Stand DiscJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (14)

    Hermit Purple』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (15)

    Purple Haze』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (16)

    『Hierophant Green』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (17)

    Echoes』Stand DiscJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (18)

    Crazy Diamond』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (19)

    Dark Blue Moon』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (20)

    『Whitesnake』Stand DiscJJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (21)

    The Hand』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (22)

    Gold Experience』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (23)

    Brain Storm』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (24)

    20th Century Boy』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (25)

    『Killer Queen』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (26)

    『Cream』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (27)

    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (28)

    Weather Report』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (29)

    Sticky Fingers』
    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (30)

    Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (31)

    『Paisley Park』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (32)

    『Jumpin' Jack Flash』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (33)

    『Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (34)

    『Tusk』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (35)

    『Soft & Wet』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (36)

    『Heaven's Door』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (37)

    『Scary Monsters』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (38)

    『Aerosmith』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (39)

    『Black Sabbath』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (40)

    『Wonder of U』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (41)

    『Metallica』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (42)

    『Stone Free』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (43)

    『King Crimson』Stand Disc

    JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (44)



    • /function jjba:commands/become_human - makes player not a vampire
    • /function jjba:commands/become_vampire - makes player a vampire
    • /function jjba:commands/get_stand - gives player a specific stand
    • /function jjba:commands/give_aja - gives player a Super Aja
    • /function jjba:commands/give_corpse - gives player a Holy Corpse
    • /function jjba:commands/level_up - levels up technique skills
    • /function jjba:commands/max_skills - upgrades player's technique to the maximum
    • /function jjba:commands/max_stats - increases stand stats to the maximum
    • /function jjba:commands/remove_stand - removes player's current stand
    • /function jjba:commands/reset_bonus - resets stand stat bonus
    • /function jjba:commands/reset_stats - resets stand stats to the minimum
    • /function jjba:commands/set_technique - sets player's technique
    • /function jjba:commands/update_bossbars - updates the bossbars
    • /function jjba:commands/update_models - updates nearest stand models

    • /function jjba:commands/summon/justice - summons Justice boss
    • /function jjba:commands/summon/notorious_big - summons Notorious B.I.G. boss
    • /function jjba:commands/summon/green_baby - summons Green Baby boss


      There are easter egg skins for wolves ("Iggy"), parrots ("Pet Shop") and turtles ("Coco Jumbo"), which can be obtained by naming a pet with the corresponding name.

      If you rename a diamond sword to "Luck" it will change its look, similar to how a netherite sword changes it if named "Luck & Pluck".

      If you use "Infinite Rotation" skill by throwing a Steel Ball while riding a horse, you can summon『Ball Breaker』(it does not give any bonuses).



      • /function jjba:settings/blood_effects - controls blood effects (ON/CENSORED/OFF)
      • /function jjba:settings/dinosaur_spawn - starts spawning『Scary Monsters』dinosaurs naturally (ON/OFF)
      • /function jjba:settings/natural_spawn - natural spawning of the data pack entities (ON/OFF, initially set to ON)
      • /function jjba:settings/barrage_cry - adds barrage cry sounds to some stands (ON/OFF)
      • /function jjba:settings/frog_weather - replacesWeather Report』"Heavy Weather" slimes with frogs (ON/OFF, 1.19+ only)


      Minecraft 1.19 - 1.19.4:

      Minecraft 1.18 - 1.18.2:

      Minecraft 1.17 - 1.17.1:

          Minecraft 1.16 - 1.16.5:

          JJBA Data Pack (v.1.8.6) Minecraft Data Pack (2024)
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          Author information

          Name: Otha Schamberger

          Birthday: 1999-08-15

          Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

          Phone: +8557035444877

          Job: Forward IT Agent

          Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

          Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.