2020 Updates | SIMnet - Changelog (2024)

The changelog contains the list of new features, changes, improvements, and new content released in 2020.

December 2020

SIMnet is introducing new SIMbooks organized specifically for students to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams. Microsoft Office Specialist exams are a well-recognized certification. Microsoft offers Associate level exams in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint (but not Access). Microsoft offers Expert level exams in Access, Excel and Word (but not PowerPoint)...

SIMnet has released an upgraded Help System for both instructors and students. The new help system has more in-depth articles that cover both the How and the Why of using SIMnet features. In the Instructor help, view the Best Practices section before you set up your course for next semester, or read the topic on...

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Improve It Project 5-7 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 8 Improve It Project 8-7 (Windows Only) - Title Change

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Guided Project 10-3 (Windows Only) - Title Change

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Improve It Project 10-7 (Windows Only) - Title Change

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Independent Project 10-6 (Windows Only) - Title Change

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.3 - Grading Update

  • Updated Excel Data Validation grading so that it will grade the file when a student has applied the data validation to very large numbers of cells and updated feedback to indicate that to the student.

  • Excel 365/2019 MOS Capstone - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 (Windows Only) - Title Change

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Independent Project 10-4 - Grading Update

November 2020

Instructors can use a new report to view how their students are doing on each Student Learning Objective all on the same screen. This report displays their student’s percent score on each Student Learning Objective (SLO) from each time that objective has been scored in a project across as many projects as the instructor chooses...

Instructors can now set their Project assignments to delay Incorrect Feedback in results provided to students. By default, Incorrect Feedback shows up under each scored step in a project and informs students exactly which steps they got wrong and why they got each step wrong...

  • In Practice Excel Office Online: Application Capstone Project 2 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-3 - added grading for Canadian date formatting to steps 6.b and 6.d.

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Independent Project 5-4 + SIMbook instructions

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5 + SIMbook instructions

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Skill Review 1.1 - Updated AC Report Control Properties for CA Currency formatting.

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Skill Review 1.1 - Added missing Canadian number format string to grading for step 11.b.

  • Excel Office Online Capstone - Level 1 Working with Sales Data - New Project

  • Excel 365/2019 Capstone - Level 1 Working with Sales Data - step 6.g

  • Excel 365/2019 Capstone - Level 2 Working with Sales Data - step 6.h

  • Excel 365/2019 Capstone - Level 3 Working with Sales Data - step 7.h

  • Excel 365/2019 Capstone - Level 3 Working with Sales Data Alternate with VLOOKUP - step 7.h

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2

  • PowerPoint Office Online Capstone - Level 1 Creating a Company's Presentation - New Project

  • In Practice PowerPoint Office Online: Application Capstone Project 2 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2019 MOS Capstone - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Guided Project 7-3 - Step 5.b grading updated

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5a + SIMbook instructions 365 update Project Notes Added to Rubrics

  • In Practice Word Office Online: Application Capstone Project 1 - New Project

  • Word Office Online Capstone - Level 1 Writing a Research Paper - New Project

  • Office 365/2019 Integrated Project - JBCan - New Project

  • Added a note to the following projects for a change to contextual tab names in Office 365:

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 1 Guided Project 1-2

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-1

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Improve It Project 4-7

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Guided Project 5-1

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-1

    • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-4

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.1

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Skill Review 4.1

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Skill Review 4.2

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Skill Review 5.1

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Skill Review 6.1

    • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Skill Review 7.2

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-4

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Improve It Project 3-7

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-3

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Improve It Project 7-7

    • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Guided Project 10-3

    • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Skill Review 4.1

    • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Skill Review 5.2

    • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Skill Review 7.1

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 1 Guided Project 1-2

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-2

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Guided Project 5-3

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Independent Project 5-5

    • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.2

    • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Skill Review 6.1

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-1

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-2

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-1

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Guided Project 7-3

    • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 8 Independent Project 8-4

Additional Updates to SIMnet include:

  • Remove use of TimeZone when displaying the Assignments in the Notifications pop-up in the Student Portal

  • Removed file download links for older projects in the Project Results page

  • Updated print settings to show compatible notification when printing project instructions

October 2020

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-2 - SIMbook instructions update

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-5 - Grading Update

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Skill Review 3.2 - SIMbook instructions update

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Skill Review 5.1 - SIMbook instructions update

  • Excel Office Online In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-6 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Guided Project 4-3 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Skill Review 6.2 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.4 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Challenge Yourself 7.4 - Correction to instruction 4.b in rubric

  • PowerPoint Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-5 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.4 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online In Practice - Ch 3 Improve It Project 3-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Independent Project 5-6b - Grading Update

  • In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone Project 1 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Skill Review 5.1 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix it 6.6 - Grading Update

  • Word 365/2019 Capstone - Level 3 Writing a Research Paper - Updated Mac grading for step 35 for title field

  • Word 365/2019 MOS Capstone - New Project

September 2020

SIMnet is releasing a suite of Microsoft Office Online compatible projects. These projects have been designed and tested using Microsoft Office Online, the free online version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These projects can be used by any subscriber to Office 2019/365 in their web browser. Assigning an Office Online Project is the same as…

NEW: Custom Branding Administrators will see a new option in the Administration section of the left menu in the Course Manager. The new section is called Branding. This section allows for two new custom branding options for your school to add its logo to the SIMnet login page and to all Digital Credentials earned by...

  • Excel 2016 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-6

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.3 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.3 - Grading Update

  • Excel Office Online In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-6 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-5 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-4 - New Project

  • Excel Office Online In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5 - added alternate formula strings for step 6 IFS formula.

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2 + SIMbook instructions

  • Word Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.3 - New Project

  • Word Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.3 - New Project

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.4 - Adjusted step 8 for Blank header format

  • Word Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.4 - New Project

  • Word Office Online Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 1 Guided Project 1-2 - Updated Mac instructions for clarity

  • Word Office Online In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-4 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-4 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 - Updated step 15 with note for Mac on how to insert document property fields.

  • Word Office Online In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 - New Project

  • Word Office Online In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-6 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-6 - Update to table of contents grading

  • Word Office Online In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - New Project

August 2020

SIMpath Personal Assignment grades can now be automatically transferred into a student’s SIMpath grade in the course gradebook. Previously, Personal Assignment grades had to be manually adjusted by instructors upon completion. Note: Personal Assignment SIMpath Post-test grades will only transfer to the gradebook once the first Post-test attempt is complete. Any additional Post-Test attempts that...

SIMnet has improved your control over when your students can enroll for your courses and how and when students can access materials. When creating a class, you can elect to note the dates when the course becomes available and is no longer available. Instructors can then use those dates to restrict enrollment to the course and ensure that no students are viewing materials ahead of time...

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 - Update to Icon grading

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 11 Improve It Project 11-7 - New Project

  • In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone Project 1 - Grading Update

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice Ch 4 Independent Project 4-5 - Updated step 12 Insert Screen Clipping

July 2020

The new SIMnet Instant Help site is here! help.simnetonline.com/students/ is now available for SIMnet students to review and get the most up-to-date information they need to successfully complete their SIMnet courses. The new SIMnet Instant Help site is organized by topic area instead of broken by individual help questions...

  • Excel 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Challenge Yourself 7.4 - Improvement to color grading

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Challenge Yourself 7.4 - Improvement to color grading

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6 Added image to assets folder

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-5 - Step 17 (Home category)

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 - Step 11

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 4 Improve It Project 4-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Improve It Project 5-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Improve It Project 6-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 - Step 5

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Fix It 2.6 - Step 4

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Skill Review 2.2 - Step 10

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 365/2019 Capstone - Level 3 Creating a Company's Presentation - Step 25

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5b - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice 6-5a and 6-5b SIMbook data file links and SIMbook page titles

  • Word 2019 In Practice Ch 9 Improve It Project 9-7 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Improve It Project 10-7 - New Project

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Fix It 4.6 - Step 6

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Skill Review 4.2 - Step 5

  • Assignment 2 2020 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Assignment 4 2020 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Assignment 5 2020 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Assignment 8 2020 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Assignment 9 2020 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

June 2020

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Improve It Project 5-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 8 Improve It Project 8-7 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 5.6 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix It 6.6 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5a - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Improve It Project 5-7 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Improve It Project 7-7 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice Ch 8 Improve It Project 8-7 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-5 - Grading fixes for 11.g and 11.f

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Figure WD 5.9 - Fixed callout for figure 5.9

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Skill Review 8.1 - Updated step 12 to match the solution and SIMbook

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 - New Project

  • Word 365/2019 Capstone - Level 3 Writing a Research Paper + SIMbook instructions

May 2020

  • Skills Access 2019 Challenge Yourself 1.4 - Fixed missing and misspelled words in instructions

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-1 (Solution PDF and png)

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Guided Project 5-2 - New Project

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-5 - New Project

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6 - New Project

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 8 Independent Project 8-6 - New Project

  • Access 2019 In Practice - Ch 9 Independent Project 9-5 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Challenge Yourself 8.3 - New Project

  • In Practice Access 365: Application Capstone Project 1 - Update Mapped Learning Objectives on production

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Independent Project 6-6 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Improve It Project 7-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 9 Improve It Project 9-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Independent Project 10-6 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Improve It Project 10-7 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.4 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Fix It 7.6 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Fix It 8.6 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 9 Challenge Yourself 9.3 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Independent Project 3-5 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 7 Fix It Project 7-6 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 9 Fix It Project 9-6 - New Project

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix It 6.6 - New Project

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Skill Review 6.2 updated grading for bullet character

  • Updated Learning Objectives for the following projects:

    • In Practice 2019 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part C - Word

    • In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone Project 1

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 3 Improve It Project 3-7

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 5 Guided Project 5-3

    • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-1

    • In Practice 2019 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part D - PowerPoint

    • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2

    • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 2

    • In Practice 2019 Integrated Capstone Project 6 Part B - Excel

April 2020

SIMnet has a new and improved Course Manager Dashboard which makes it easier than ever to know if one of your students has been flagged for an Integrity Violation. The improved Integrity Violation interface now allows you to receive email notifications regarding new integrity violations at the time(s) of your choice...

  • Access 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.4 - Grading Update

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.4 - Grading Update

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Fix It 5.6 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Fix It 6.6 - New Project

  • Excel Skill Review 3 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Excel Challenge 3 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Excel Fix It 3 (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Excel 2016 In Practice Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4 - Project Details

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 10 Guided Project 10-3 - New Project

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Skill Review 1.2 - Grading Update

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 - step 7

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Challenge Yourself 2.4 - step 5

  • PowerPoint 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 2 Fix It 2.6 - step 4

  • Word 2016 In Practice - Ch 9 Independent Project 9-4 MAC 2016 - instruction PDF

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 9 Independent Project 9-4 SIMbook instructions

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Canadian Instruction Changes

  • Office 2019 Integrated Applications - Project LC (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

March 2020

The Dashboard view in the Course Manager has been updated to give instructors more information about their students and courses at a glance. Instructors will be able to quickly determine which of their students are earning digital credentials in the Credentials Earned section and which of their students may be in danger of...

  • Access 2016 In Practice - Ch 1 Independent Project 1-5 ALT - SIMbook instructions

  • In Practice Access 365: Application Capstone Project 1 - New Project

  • Excel 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Skill Review 1.2 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 1 Challenge Yourself 1.4 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 3 Challenge Yourself 3.3 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Skill Review 8.1 + SIMbook instructions

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-5 - Added number format string step 12.a

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 - Feedback for step 15

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Pause and Practice (2019 Community Submitted Projects) - New Project

  • Office 2019 Integrated Applications - Project 3 PowerPoint, Word, Excel (Mac Supported) - New Project

  • Office 2019 Integrated Applications - Project 4 Access and Excel - New Project

February 2020

  • Access 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 - Instruction PDF

  • Access 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Challenge Yourself 4.3 - Updated project details

  • Access 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Fix It 4.6 - Updated project details

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Skill Review 7.2 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 7 Challenge Yourself 7.3 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 6 Guided Project 6-3 - Grading Update

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 + SIMbook instructions

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-5 + SIMbook instructions

  • PowerPoint 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-6 + SIMbook instructions

  • PowerPoint 2016 In Practice - Ch 3 Guided Project 3-1 + Instruction PDFs

  • In Practice PowerPoint 365: Application Capstone Project 2 - New Project

  • Word 2016 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.3 ALT - Grading Update

  • Office 2019 Integrated Applications - Project 1 PowerPoint, Word, Access, Excel - New Project

  • Office 2019 Integrated Applications - Project 2 Word, Access, Excel - New Project

January 2020

The Chromium Project announced that starting with Chrome 80 they will require specific cookie flags in order for 3rd party cookies to be honored. Chrome 80 is scheduled to release on February 4th, 2020. SIMnet released full support for these changes as of January 24, 2020...

SIMnet Exams and SIMnet Practice Exams are now SIMnet Exam – Scenario A and SIMnet Exam – Scenario B. Scenario A questions and Scenario B questions cover the same content in the same manner but are distinct from each other and from SIMbook Let Me Try simulation questions...

Instructors can now assign Projects that must be completed in a set time. Once the student begins an attempt of their assigned project, a countdown timer will begin. The student must submit that assignment before the timer has run down. This feature is available with all 2016 and 2019/365 projects...

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Skill Review 5.1 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 5 Challenge Yourself 5.4 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Skill Review 6.1 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 6 Challenge Yourself 6.3 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Skill Review 8.2 - New Project

  • Access 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Challenge Yourself 8.4 - New Project

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 1 Guided Project 1-2 - Grading Update

  • Word 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-4 - Updated Webdings bullet grading

  • Word 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 4 Fix It 4.6 - Files only / SIMbook

  • In Practice Word 365: Application Capstone Project 1 - New Project

  • Excel 2016 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Guided Project 2-3 - Grading Update

  • Excel 2019 In Practice - Ch 2 Independent Project 2-5 - Additional number format for step 6.f

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Skill Review 8.1 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 8 Challenge Yourself 8.4 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 10 Skill Review 10.2 - New Project

  • Excel 2019 Skills Approach - Ch 10 Challenge Yourself 10.3 - New Project

  • In Practice Excel 365: Application Capstone Project 2 - New Project

  • Excel 2019/365 Excel Capstone Level 3 - New mapped objectives

  • Excel 2019/365 Excel Capstone Level 3 with VLOOKUP - New mapped objectives

  • Office 2016 Integrated Applications - Project 3 PowerPoint, Word, Excel (Mac Supported) - steps 4.b and 4.e grading text

2020 Updates | SIMnet - Changelog (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 5860

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.